Monday 14 March 2011

Fermented Pollen Extract Tea 소나무 꽃가루 차

Fermented Pollen Extract Tea: If there would be something you wouldn't find in America easily it would be this. However, you can order this online in Korea. At the moment GMarket seems sold out. You can also order pine pollen. (소나무 꽃가루)

I've recently incorporated this into my diet along with pine pollen. Pine pollen is packed full of B vitamins niacin and protein. But there is something else. I've been taking the pollen on an empty stomach so the nutrients are absorbed quickly and the tea I'm drinking before bed. These days I've started blending my teas because its just made sense to do this and then do other things.

It's well known to plant experts that plants have hormonal effects on people. Flax seeds, soy, and hops are highly estrogenic plants that will lower a mans testosterone and a woman's testosterone level if they aren't careful. PET in water bottles bind to your sex hormones decreasing useful ones available in the body.

Pine pollen used as a food and as a medicine in Asia for thousands of years to restore vitality energy and as an aphrodisiac. Scientific analysis has shown it to be a very high source of testosterone. What the Asians knew already was that it was good for them. In my research, I found that the Scottish were flavoring there beer with pine needles.

It's good to try it and see if you feel better if your are feeling bad, and you are any of the following, drink a lot of beer, if your vegetarian, if your exposed to a lot of plastic, you lift weights, you drink a lot of coffee, you want to lose weight, or you do lots of cardio, and have a lot lots of stress in your life. All of these things can throw off the estrogen testosterone balance in favor of estrogen. As you can see almost all of us would fall into this category because testosterone is so necessary.

Hormones are something women talk about more than a man, but its really important things are in balance for both genders. Low testosterone will lead to depression loss of libido and the higher source of estrogen will accumulate fatty tissue in the body and the enlargement of breasts for men too. I know this from personal experience.

At some point this year trying to make some dietary changes I lost libido, energy, got moody, and tired a lot. I started putting fat on but while still losing muscle. When I quit soy and flax those things returned. I lost some fat and gained back a lot of muscle.

I don't regret the choices I made, because eating is a big experiment. We have to constantly try to figure out what we should eat. Nutrition science by itself can not help us.

Nutrition as a science is young and sometimes insipid. And that's just the beginning of it's problems. It usually fails to give you the bigger picture so sometimes people focus on the bad at sometimes and not the good at other times. But also not knowing all the foods you can eat is important. How they balance each other too.

So I learned to learned to understand the bigger picture by studying traditional cultures food culture and then balance that with science and how these foods and medicines act in my body.
I listened to a lot of people with subjective experience doing these things.

Pine nuts and pine needles themselves have testosterone as well but pine pollen the best source. Its a good supplement for a culture such as Korea that consumes more soy than the west. As a food pine pollen is good, but if fermented in alcohol the hormones are very quickly absorbed into your blood stream.

Before I even knew what pine pollen was, I found it in my school's refrigerator. I was curious what this thing was next to the creamer on the self. I took a teaspoon and tasted it. It tasted like this earth and I didn't want some foreign substance in my mouth. I later found out, One of the older men teachers was using it. I knew him to be a very strong man. The type who never got sick. Such a experiential thing can never be conclusively linked to one cause, but the fact that he was using it made sense to me when I discovered it researching Asian medicines.

How do I feel? I've noticed an improvement in my energy levels more firmness in my muscle after a month of taking it. Generally I feel better.

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