Saturday 19 February 2011

Cooking with Snake Oil

What is healthier for your: Butter or Canola Oil?

These videos from the show how its made show you how butter and canola oil are made.

It's industrial but besides the big machines, the butter is made the old fashion way, mixing milk until the cream separates and then removing the liquid from the process. Simple.

The canola oil is made using chemical solvents, industrial steaming, de-waxing, bleaching, and de-odorizing.

Is that really healthy? It sounds like snake oil to me.

Canola oil is refined which is the name for the process above this gives it a high cooking point. Any of the oils which look very clear have gone through this processing which renders the oil carcinogenic and nutritionally useless. Even white flour which has been processed to the point of having no nutrients is not carcinogenic. No one talks about this!

The good stuff doesn't cook at high temperatures and is cloudy and has a taste are things like extra virgin olive oil, and plain sesame oil. The other stuff can actually run diesel engines!

So back to butter vs canola oil. What will you eat? I have a rule that have adopted from food writer Michael Pollen. "If it's not food that your great-grandmother will recognize as food than its not." This stuff isn't food, and it's not healthy for a human body. I know what I'll cook my meat with.


  1. Any idea about normal Korean oils, like 들기름 (perilla oil) and 참기름 (sesame oil)? How do they measure up?

  2. Wow. I am sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. I need to get notice of the comments so I can keep up to date. Those oils are much better. They are specialtly made for flavor and so manufacturers make sure they don't boil away the fragile fats and make the taste bland.

    So the quality is better. I use sesame oil a lot. But I think that they could improve how they make them and store them.

    There are some general guidelines:

    If the oil has a strong taste. Then the quality is better.

    The higher quality oils have a shorter shelf life and should be refrigerator or stored in a cold place. No one does this that I know about except for UDO's oils and they make a special formulated and blended oils as healing foods and as a protection against bad oil experience.

    All liquid at room temperature oils for deep frying are dead.

    Saturated fats are the safest for cooking at high temperatures. Lard, Coconut oild, and Palm Oil are safe to cook with.

    When you deep fry in sesame oil or high quality olive oil then you will make them carcinogenic.

    If you use low quality cooking oils then they have are dead in nutrients.

    I can explain more about this more later with less generalization. I think however, that it can be explain in simpler terms without complicating the why and the how.
