Tuesday 27 September 2011

I'm Going to Be on TV and So Can You.

So recently I've been accepted into a food blogging contest to blog about traditional Korean food. Teams of 5 will travel to a region of Korea with an itinerary of their choosing which could be visiting farm, eating at restaurants, processing makeoli etc. The bloggers must cover traditional Korean food. It can't be fusion.

We will do activities in the day and blog about them at night. 

On Saturday, I went to the orientation for the contest to represent my group and the contest organizers gave a surprise announcement. They told us that KBS tv will document our trip.

 However, as soon as I told my team we would be on tv three members made their exit. 

I know how tacky Korean tv can be at times. But I have seen good Korean programming with foreigners and basically all the Korean camera crew is going to do is to follow us around. 

So now we need three people. *Edit: One person, as of Sept 30.

My friend Mike and I think that this contest is a great way to hang out, eat food, and travel for free. It's still work, but more like working while playing or playing while working. At least thats the right mindset to have when doing something you like. So if you like Korean food and blogging or to be honest just have a sense of humor and good attitude, which includes the idea of being on TV doesn't terrify you but inspires you we need three good people. 

We will travel starting Friday the 28th to the 30th of October.  If your interested email me at greg.a.sandford at gmail.com and I will fill you in on the details. 


  1. Hey. Sarah told me about this opportunity and it sounds fabulous! I live in Gyeongju. Would it start friday evening or during the day? And your blog is awesome, by the way!
    Let me know if you still need someone. Look forward to hearing.

  2. Hey. Thanks for the compliment and friend my blog, too.

    Yes, we still need people. If your interested send me an email at my address greg.a.sandford at gmail.com and if its possible to skype chat since I would like meet with you, but because of time skype is the next best thing. If we are going to be around each other for three days, I want to know more about you.

    I look forward to talking to you. :)
