Friday 10 May 2013

Growing Pretty: Permaculture Around Wonju

Near a McDonalds in Wonju a side of the hill is shady and moist and it's leveled here. Perhaps some nettle. I dug square foot distances approximately  and planted.

On the same hill in the sunny spots, I planted Jerusalem Artichokes. The perrenials roots will be a food source for the people and animals that happen upon it long after I am gone.

There is some dandelion growing near by I take to transplant. I can use the roots for a liver tonic. Perhaps it will help detoxify from the pollution..

Walking home, I climb a hill near a temple. There is row a between shrubbery, another place for Jerusalem Artichokes.

Going back in time two days, an empty patch of land between the wall of my current employer and a nearby farm becomes a spot for 15 Jerusalem Artichoke plants.

All of the areas have cover crops that I leave untouched except for the square foot I use for planting the bulb. will minimize the impact on the soil. The Jerusalem artichokes will grow and shade out the weeds around. When the weed die they will fertilize the soil. Then I will plant runner beans in the more discrete locations which willl use the Jerusalem Artichokes chokes as supports. The area around the temple will just grow J.A's because they will produce Sunflowers, but anything that looks to much like conventional food will offend a mainstream sensibility. In public areas the discrete plantings must grow pretty looking flowers and be discretely edible. Those are the sensibilities I have to respect.

The J.A is a great guerilla gardening plant for this reason, because it's so pretty to see.

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