Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday I arrived on Jeju-do to work at Mulme Healing Farm.

But first I had a delcious breakfast at J's apartment with my wife before setting out. It was cashews fried in butter pour into a bowl of chopped fruit and yoghurt. Mmm, yum.

I arrived at Mulme Healing Farm in the early evening around 6pm. 

The herbal farm is just one of two farms that the owner has. 

J, the farm manager seen met me at the bus stop and took me on a tour of the farm facilitiy. She showed me some of the medicinal herbs that she grows as well as the food. We picked some peppers for to go with our dinner.
The dinner was simple dishes of really fresh ingredient.  The only hot food was rice. There were small dishes. There were cut peppers five minutes fresh from the garden. There were little whole crabs from last week that were preserved in a dwengjang and soy sauce. There was high quality dwenjang, radish kimchi, and something kimchi I couldn't identify. 

I like J. She comes from the city as well and was looking for more. Her major was in fashion and design. She first came as a Wwoofer and then was offered a job sometime later. She's only been here for a month actually so she is new too. 

Below is going to be my home for the next 3 weeks, maybe 4. Most of furniture has been made by the owner. The sculptures were made by an artist friend of the long-haired ilk. 

I am getting ready to work now. Bye.


  1. Awesome, I'm glad you made it down there! I never did any posts about my WWOOFing and now I really regret it. Don't make the same mistake...

  2. Mike. This is a great experience. You would totally dig it. I'm staying true to your advice.
