Tuesday 9 August 2011

I didn't know why I was crying when I woke up today but I quickly remembered looking too closely at the welding sparks. I started and stopped. I did morning meditation and I was okay for a while. When chopping vegetables I burst into tears. Ju Hee was beside me preparing for breakfast.

"Ohhh," she said gasping. "Are you okay?"

"I am okay," I tried to calm her down. "It's because of the welding."

I explained to her the situation.

I was basically useless for the next 5 hours until about after lunch.

There wasn't much needed to do.

Yang and I delivered organic fertilizer to another farm. We unloaded the bags. But basically I road for about 3 hours in the truck with my eyes closed while Yang and I talked.

We talked about my wife and what she is doing. I explained to her our work situation and vacation situation and that sometimes a husband and wife need separate vacations. I found it a great coincidence that my wife is doing meditations and martials arts as I speak. Our outlets are similar.

 I am looking forward to seeing wifey again.

He told me a story to explain his philosophy with discomfort and pain.

 "An old farmer's horse dissappears and the villagers say that's so sad. And the farmer says that's okay. The horse reappears with a lady horse. And the villagers say that's great. And the farmers say's that's okay. Then one day the Old Farmer's son breaks his leg while riding the horse. And the villagers say that's too sad. The Old Farmer say's that's okay. Then there is a war and all the boys must go to war and fight except for the son with the broken leg. The war is fought and all the boys in the village that are off to war die except for the farmer's son who couldn't fight.

We discussed developing food and business ideas since we both have similar passions in healing foods.

"It's hard to describe it in language I think."

"Many people when they are happy they are soo happy and when they are sad they are soo sad.

The reason I tell you this story is because when things are very good people shouldn't... how do I say? applause?"

We drove most of way in silence. I focused on my breathing. Yang Heejern stopped the truck near the house at the city office. He was in for maybe an hour.

"I'm sorry," he yelled into the car.

"Okay," I said in a calm half asleep way as I was jolted out my meditation.

I saw him walking with the town officer who is discussing town development with Heejern.

Heejern came back into the car.

I asked him about the progress on development.

"He works for the town and he has a lot of stress. Though he works for the town the boss is in Seoul... so... (pause)

"So he doesn't know the information yet."

We stopped home for a few minutes and then we went to another farmer to help him out. Yang went to another job. Ju Hee now with me helped the farmer put up piping. Though for most of the time I cried into my blanket while the sun was getting darker.

Eventually we broke. The man gave us some stale beer and peanut flavored chips. I took some beer and left the rest.

Then we drove to lunch to Ju Hee's favorite restaurant. It specializes in rice dishes and is on the healthier side. The farmer I am got MaBap which is yam and rice mixed with peppers and sesame seeds and vinegar. Ju Hee got rice with lotus flowers wrapped in what looked like a banana leaf. We got 6 different side dishes.

The food made me feel great. My eyes recovered and I no longer needed to cry into a towel anymore.

Then we stopped at Yang Heejern who was riding his horse.

"Get on," he said.

I got on the horse and took the bull whip and tapped the horse and off I trotted. I got the horse to gallop and felt the power of this beautiful animal. I came back and gave the horse to Ju Hee. But I definately wanted more.

We then went back to work attaching plastic sheets to the metal pipping to contruct a fence to keep the weeds away from young sapplings that were growing.

My eyes stayed fresh and I was climbing onto the frames to attach food to the rafters. All in all I felt great.

We got home later. Un Shim was there with her husband. The farmer friend of Yang came and eventually Yang came home. THe Korean's talked a lot to each other. I proposed different food ideas and eventually we made dinner.

Earth Elements definately is making fermented food and sauces, but for Mulme I am making food that follows a Korean theme and style. Yang wants to develop all the local food we have. We have a lot of corn so he wants to make corn noodles using traditional molds. I proposed I could play with different things using the fresh corn we have. It's good to play. So Ju Hee prepped for me some items and eventually made fish and I made
corn fritters, corn soup, and a corn salad for dinner.

We called the men over and everyone enjoyed the food a lot. Ju Hee made a pickling of peanut I picked and boiled the week before and added onions peppers sugar and soy into something delicious. Her fish was great too!

Yang left at 9.

Greg tonight, "Two hours of meditation."

"Oh I'll try I said."

We cleaned the kitchen. And then I got in 1 and half hours of meditation.

Now, it's time for sleep. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Read this post of mine from about two and a half years ago. I came across the same Chinese parable while reading and it moved me immensely:


    Actually, the parable's in the comment section.
