Thursday 15 September 2011

The Rocket Stove

Rocketstove in action

Three weeks ago I started building a rocket stove that I designed. I had help to build and cut from those with more experience using metal grinders and welders. I needed help to use tools I've never done before. Well, friends unexpectedly borrowed tools on the farm and ran out of time. I left it unfinished for  Heejern to finish. Well he sent me the posted the picture on facebook last week.  I said Assah! when I saw it. 

The priniciple designer of the rocket stove is Robert Winiarski.  Winiarski designed it for developing who were rapidly deforesting their land for cooking fires and the stove was designed to use very small amounts of woods.

The rocket stove was designed to burn a small amount of wood or weeds very efficiently. There are added benefits to this. One of which is a cleaner stove. Because a clean burning stove uses less fuel it was designed to burn smokeless.

In a Chinese city like Harbin that still uses dirty charcoal, because its cheaper than fossil fuel a clean burning stove like the rocket stove will greatly improve the air quality of this city. In a home, an African mother will no longer suffer headaches because she is no longer cooking in dirty air.

I think developed countries could use this technology to lessen our use of fossil fuels. This is a good thing considering the environmental damage done to the environment when harvesting fossil fuel.
I am not expecting people in American cities to run to it, but on a farm and in rural sustainable living communities, it makes a lot of sense.

People already have been using the design to build their own water heaters, home heaters, and cookers in America to save money on gas.  On youtube there are many videos of people using this technology.

It's not as convenient as turning on a gas burner and it requires more preparation because it requires knowledge and trial and error to find what sustainable sources can be burnt in your area. However, as gas prices rise these inconveniences will become less important as it becomes more necessary. People will want to adopt more efficient life styles as gas prices go up. 

So to sum up the advantages of using the rocket stove:

1. It uses less fuel than an open fire. 
2. It burns cleanly.
3. It can be built easily.
4. It uses no fossil fuels and can use weeds for fuel.

Here is a great explanation of the principles of the design along with its uses in Malawi, Africa.  It's the kind of feel good video that not only gives you hope but substance.

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