Monday 29 August 2011

Changing Our Trajectory

I had a conversation with a friend from college. We hadn't spoken for 4 years.

He told me that he was going to make a transition in his life. He is a game designer and the last I remember was that he worked on a game show as a quiz maker and spent time in the entertainment business.

  1. Now the dream is to be a forest ranger.
    "All we can do is let our hearts do the thinking."

He said, "Yes! So strange to hear you say that because I've just shifted to that exact mindset in the past few days. Like a switch came on."

He would probably have to go to school or gets lots of experience he said. 

I said a two track path is the best. I would have to do the same. I was a performance arts major.
He was validated, "WOW. Glad to hear someone else is on my wavelength. Seems so few are." 

I opened my heart to him.

"I was a biology major at first but I changed because I didn't see any possibilities for a career in what I really liikd about nature. I didn't want to work in a laboratory. "

He brought up a new annoyance in his life.

"And don't get me started on the entertainment business. Ha.

Well good you tried stuff out. And found what you did/didn't like. Most people settle into something they will end up hating! Because they are lazy."
I kept talking..
"The path I chose was necessary for me."

"Yes!" he said. 

I continued...

"It allowed me to become a bit more social and then as a teacher I've learned a lot about people and myself. I also saw different cultures from traveling the small piece of the globe I have."

He affirmed.

"Yes! all great things.

It is so nice to hear someone has a PLAN for his future and is not just mindlessly doing something they hate. GOALS. Who has those anymore? Ha."

I was thinking about my meditation teacher's advice about giving people your positive energy. So I mentioned it to him.

"You need positive people in your life. The negative energy could destroy you. "

"I know, I know. "

I mentioned my uncle.

"My uncle destroyed himself at 39. Died on the side of the road with a heart attack. Stress related."

"Sorry to hear."
I was young." 

"It's okay."

I have had chest pains a couple of times from stress."

"Really? Crap S?"

S is the first letter of his name.


"Yeah, nothing serious though. And only for a few days.But not a good sign! Or a good wake-up call."

I told him he had a warning sign. 

"Can look at it both ways. Well it was a while ago, too. Have gotten much better lately. Maybe 2 years ago during a lot of job stress.TV is CRAZY (refering to his entertainment job). And mostly not in good ways."

He was in need of something. I tried to give what advice I could. 

"I recommend go slowly. There is a lot of crazy information out there about alternative living from people living in the city that have no idea how the natural world works. Some people are claming that people evolved to eat only raw fruits and vegetables."

"I tried that once. Sort of. It doesn't work!"

I continued.

"People seem to take up running and sports and activities for stress, but people need to meditate too. Meditation clears the mind and improves the circulation."

"So tough, though!"

"There are no easy things that are good."

"In today's world, to meditate. When we're used to sirens, iPhones, TVs, iPods, etc. in our faces/ears all the time Quiet/solitude equals SCARY for most people."

"But thoses things will destroy you if you can't ignore them. "
"My problem is that I can't quiet my mind long enough to clear it. When I've tried meditating."
"You have to be careful. The things that can destroy you are more prevalent.
I'm not good at it yet either.  But you have to keep trying."


"Even if you haven't cleared your mind- it is clearer. Go slowly. "


"People are in such a hurry but all the good things take a while to do."


"So do you think you need a lot more of slowness and a lot less of the other. "
He understood what I talking about really positively so I kept talking. 

"People are stressed and full of negative energy. It's easy for us to fall victim to neoteny in this world. It's easy for us to follow the trents. BUt they leave nothing for us. We need gather positive energy and vitality."

"So true."

"You need to find a teacher and you'll know it when you find one. They will be many."

"Like my very own Mr. Miyagi?"

"Hahahha," I laughed. 

"There is so much information out there. It's hard to put a story out there. But if you look at the parts enough you can put together the big picture. "

"Yes that makes sense"

"Very wise."

I grimaced at first thought of yoda and Mr. Miyagi references.

"Not exactly Mr. Mister Miyagi. A person who's energy is more positive and who's heart is true. Mr. Miyagi would qualify."

And then he had to go off to bed. So we said goodbye. He gave me his email and I left him at that. He will need all the strength he can muster to change his life. But it's necessary for his happiness. 

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